Tuesday 6 April 2010


          I did this a while ago, for my friend Sam's birthday. I meant to bake a fairytale cottage, but unfortunately, the cake seeped out the bottom of the cake tin. I was not impressed. So, I cheated. James bought me a cake pan in the shape of a castle, so I did a quick fix in that.
         You'll notice that in most of my posts so far, I don't have any pictures of me actually baking & constructing the cake. I've thought about blogging ever since I started baking, but I didnt know if I was good enough. Instead I just took pictures of the final product and put them on facebook.
          But anyway. Say hello to Castle Cake.
ie castle nightmare

This was an absolute nightmare to fondant, as the cake pan included windows, doors, brick detail - all of which I wanted to cover up smoothly. In the end it wasn't took bad, but I did fill the inside with all the leftover sweets.

i think the middle is better than the actual cake..

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